Who am I ?

"Teaching as a passion"

At the age of 18 I started teaching English and Spanish to
children in Chile. In this way I was able to pay for part of
my studies at the university (“Universidad de Chile”) in
Santiago, Chile. This was a wonderful experience because
I discovered my love for teaching!





My Philosophy

If you wish to teach or to learn successfully at school or university, you need a good portion of “love” or
devotion for your subject. So, a lecturer must have a passion for his subject and his students. Not only that,
the students have to be motivated by the subject in order to learn it well. This emotional motivating factor is
specially important for teaching and learning a foreign language. I believe that a teacher has many keys or
methods for increasing motivation to learn. This is why I`ve been looking for the optimal way of teaching
languages for over 30 years: Attending many courses (learning psychology, multimedia and film techniques,
e-learning, intercultural communication, brain research, suggestopedia, etc.) and regularly consulting with
professional colleagues has given me the ideal input, to be able to test my teaching methods constantly and
effectively in class with my students.

The result of these experiences are the books De España a Latinoamérica in printed and electronic form.
These books convey important aspects of the culture of Spain and Latin America with an amusing
constructivist language learning method and new multimedia techniques.

Teaching and author experience

  • Approximately 40 years teaching experience as a Spanish Lecturer at schools and colleges, including the
    Munich University for Applied Sciences where I worked full-time more than 25 years as a Scientific Associate ( Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin ) and Head of the Spanish Department ( Oberstudienrätin ).
  • Author of numerous Spanish books and media, from level A1 to B1.
    Latest publications: "e-Spanish A1:De España a Latinoamérica", August 2022 (English edition).
    Furthermore "E-Spanisch A1: De España a Latinoamérica", Oct. 2021 (German edition) and "E-Spanisch A2: De España a Latinoamérica", Oct. 2021 (German edition)
  • In additon to that several new video films such as "Una fiesta de Cumpleaños – Meile Hauptfilm", Oct. 2020 and the production of video and audio files for the textbooks A1, A2, B1 & two short films about Chile.
  • Very important to me has been the further development of my own G•MAC teaching method in the last ten years, which conveys playfully and effectively Spanish language skills and Hispanic cultures.


Current teaching experience

Lecturer of Spanish at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University for Applied Sciences